Summer in the Garden with God
Installment Four: In Which I Wish the Chinese Had Kept Their Mimosas to Themselves On Memorial Day at 5 o’clock in the morning I woke up in a sweat. Like a shot, I got on the computer and unsubscribed to the dating site Zoosk. For good measure I called the bank and put a stop payment on that monthly subscription fee. I think I’ve been wanting to do that for six [...]
Summer in the Garden with God
Installment Three: In Which I Battle Blackberries and Find a Rose Apparently, the blackberries are still mad that someone put a house here. Several years ago, neighbors across the road from the subdivision told me that the entire subdivision used to be a cow pasture. They said that right where my house was built there used to be a blackberry patch where they would come pick blackberries every summer. I [...]
Summer in the Garden with God
Installment Two: In Which I Cry For last week I had planned a post about Father's Day, about my Dad and the spiderwort he gave me. But instead I was in another state trying my best to help my stepmother, who just lost her last child. On June 13, the Thursday before Father's Day, my youngest brother, Robert Lee Underwood, Jr., transitioned. He was a brother, a son, and a [...]
Summer in the Garden with God
Installment One: In Which I Vanquished the Hollies It began simply enough. Sometime in May I remembered I had a yard. And it looked like crap. Several years of neglect while I took care of Aunt Ellen, then my torn meniscus, had taken their toll. The weeds were doing well. And not much else. Church had begun to lose me too, and I was feeling ambivalent about being there. I [...]
Love, Katydid
Poems and Images for My Father A collection of poems and photographs dedicated to my father who made, molded and changed my life. My love and pain at his passing are poured into this tribute. It was the only way I knew how to say goodbye. Available September 2017. Click here to pre-order your soft cover or e-version now. And order your own framed or unframed prints of any of [...]
The Gullah Curse
The Gullah Curse: An African American horror thriller about love, family, and ancient African demons On a serene and secluded Georgia barrier island filled with Gullah slave history and Gullah voodoo, an ancient power of mother Africa rises, bringing with it demons and death. Unaware of the danger, Julie and Ray Jackson, a bitterly divided husband and wife, bring their children to vacation at Julie’s ancestral home there. As a [...]